Enjoying Bushwalking – click to open or close
Bushwalking is an active recreation. The aim of the club is to facilitate enjoyment of the bush, safely and in good company. Each walker must be aware of the hazards and be prepared for them. If in the leader’s opinion a walk is not suitable for someone, the leader has a right not to accept that person on the walk. The club expects all members and visitors to diligently follow the advice given below:
• If you have doubts about your ability to undertake bushwalking, please consult your doctor beforehand.
• For your enjoyment and safety, and that of others, it is important that you read the walk descriptions carefully and understand them. If you have any doubts, phone the leader beforehand. Leaders’ phone numbers are always given in the program.
• You should select an easy walk for your first walk unless you are very experienced and the leader approves. Walkers with fitness problems and new members should stay with walks graded ‘Very Easy’ or ‘Easy’ until confident of their ability to undertake harder walks.
• If walking with children, make sure you choose a walk that they can manage comfortably. Most walks that are under 10 km and over easy terrain are suitable for children of, say, seven years and older.
• Most day walks take the party several hours away from car or phone, and pack walks often much further away. All walkers must take their own first aid kits – see the Rules for Walkers for details. The club cannot guarantee that there will be someone in each party with first aid qualifications.
• Bring sunscreen and insect repellent as appropriate. Flies are likely to be a nuisance in summer.
• Visitors are welcome on all walks, but they must discuss the walk and their own experience with the leader before going to the meeting point. If you have doubts about your ability to keep up with the group on a particular walk, do not attempt the walk.
– Helpful information for those doing NSW South Coast Walks.
Adult ticks are at their worst from October to February. Avoid ticks by wearing long pants tucked into socks, long sleeves, a broad-brimmed hat and tropical strength insect repellent. Avoid brushing vegetation if possible.
Removal of ticks.
This is the latest advice – Freeze, don’t Squeeze. Buy a spray from the chemist that contains ether; e.g. ‘Wart Off’ or ‘Medi Freeze’. Spray the tick (freezes it) and wait about 10 minutes until the tick is dead. You can then just flick it off. Don’t use tweezers because they just squeeze the tick and inject more of its toxin into you (note that the NSW Health link below still suggests using tweezers). Seek hospital treatment if there are signs of distress, particularly with very young people and those who may have an allergy to ticks.
http://www.health. nsw.gov.au/environment/Publications/tick_alert_brochure.pdf